Ah, the power of visualisation.
A quick Google search would offer endless amounts of research and reasons as to how powerful visualisation can be.
The mental imagery that we create when we visualise can enhance motivation, improve our focus and shorten the time it takes us to achieve our goal.
Ultimately we are priming our minds for the success that we want to have.
Think of it as a way of ‘getting ready’ for what you want in your life.
But the visualising can pose a big challenge for so many people. Mainly due to the idea that ‘daydreaming’ has been knocked out of us over the years.
As children, we commonly do this with ease. But as adults, it is harder to do.
Another part of the challenge is the concentration that it requires.
With all this being said, I want to explore some of my favourite and alternative ways to visualise...
First, you want to gain clarity.
Although visualisation can help gain clarity, it also requires a little to start with.
It is little like the chicken and the egg, what comes first?
Well, to give you some guidance I have prepared some prompts for you, to get your creative juices flowing again.
Firstly, when thinking about what you want, thinking in terms of these three categories can help.
To have.
To be.
To do.
Aka, what do you want to have in your life( the kind of possessions the kind of people).
What type of person do you want to be ( from the impact you have on the world to the things you want to learn right through to the qualities).
And what kind of things you want to do (travel, ice climbing, the type of work you would like to be doing).
Even as you read this, you may find you can think of a few things that fit under these categories...
Which leads me onto my next point: write them down!
As crazy as this may sound, try to aim for 300 things you would like to. If you want to know the reasoning behind the vast 300, check out this video.
But whether you watch the video or not, I believe that challenging yourself to 300 things will help you get past the 'surface level' goals to then proceed to think about what is really going to fulfil and excite you.
Even just starting your list will help you gain momentum.
So you know have a starting point. Let's delve into the visualisation techniques.
Scripting is where you write from a place of gratitude of already having what it is that you want.
It is a powerful visualisation technique and excellent for those who struggle to sit down and think of their vision.
It is a form of doing but can be very meditative.
Grab a notebook, ideally one that you dedicate to this process and write about your life desires as if they are happening to you right now.
This process also helps you reverse engineer any goals that you have.
The power of mind food.
As I said, I wanted to share some forms of visualisation that you may have never considered as visualisation.
When people think of visualisation, they think of sitting down and imaging what they want. And while, yes, it can look like that. You can also achieve the same result in a more aligned way.
But to understand what other forms of visualisation can look like, you need to ask yourself: what is it that you are trying to do?
In short: you are trying to create a mental image, so what other ways can you do this?
I am sure you can think of a few, but I want to offer the idea of mind food.
Mind food is content that will stimulate the mind.
So what content, can you tap into, that would help you create a mental image? One that would start you thinking?
Enter: documentaries.
Have you ever watched a documentary that has sparked a new way of thinking or further action?
If so, you will know what I mean.
It gives you something to think about, and you start to explore the idea of applying that thing to your own life.
The stories that we tell ourselves is the perception of the reality that we live.
Think about the stories that we tell ourselves; it is a form of visualisation as we are cementing the beliefs into our minds.
"I do not have enough time".
"I am not good enough to be/do/have XYZ."
Consistently, we tell ourselves these stories, and as a result, this is what we visualise.
Think about it a little more. Have you ever worried about something? Playing every little detail in your head? That is a form of visualisation.
But what if we switch it up? What if we replace the negative stories with more positive ones, simply by reversing the thought...
"I do not have enough time" can turn into "I have the perfect amount of time. I manage my time so well that I have the time to do all the things that create impact and fulfil me".
The main takeaway here? Tell yourself a better story.
So what is next? Trial and error! This is a process after all!
You need to see what works for you and what you can make a habit.
You do not want this to feel like a chore; it needs to be seen as more of a tool.
A tool that will help you design your life and accomplish your goals.
If it helps, think of visualisation as a fun portal to help you see you achieving your goals before they happen.
You will be surprised to see what you can achieve when you start injecting the fun of visualising into the mix...