It’s no secret. We love an app. Partly due to the growth and productivity that can come with it (if you use the right app, in the right way that is) but also due to the lack of physical space it takes up.
But that does not mean we do not need to be mindful with our app choices- in the life we live in; we need to be more intentional than ever as to what apps take up real estate on our devices and in our minds.
So in this post, I want to delve into the apps that take centre focus on the first page of my phone. You know the ones that you flick to the most.
The ones that are an integral part of my day and help me towards maintaining my keystone habits…
User-friendly rating: 4.5
Usefulness rating: 5
Reason: Thought-provoking, long-form blog posts, all in one place. I pay for the subscription as I love a subscription model and it is SO worth it. I love anything where I can learn on my terms.
What it does: Medium is a load of high quality, long-form blog posts all in one place. You can save articles you like and choose categories based on your interests.
When To Use It: I like to use this app in my ‘dead time’. You know, when you are waiting for the kettle to boils, the bath to run, or for your partner when they say that they will be ready in ‘5 minutes’.
User-friendly rating: 4.5
Usefulness rating: 5
Reason: I manage more than one calendar and more than one inbox, so a tool that merges all of that together, is very welcomed.
What it does: Spark’s mission is to help you fall in love with email again, and while I wouldn’t say I am in love with email, I don’t hate it. It essentially offers more systemisation with your email, including the feature where you can co-write and email with another in the team.
When To Use It: Every day. Period. I reference my calendar, I reply to emails and batch out my time using this app.
User-friendly rating: 5
Usefulness rating: 5
Reason: I adore this app and feel that its streamlined a lot of other systems, including the use of Asana and Trello.
What it does: They describe it as ‘Pinterest meets Trello’ and they are not far off with that.
While you cannot search for photos like you can on Pinterest, you can create some killer mood boards, which is great if you are in a creative rut and need to organise the thoughts and vision within your mind.
When To Use It: This is the app I probably use the most. All-day, every day.
I use it for project management, to-do lists, content calendars, mood boards, the list goes on!
User-friendly rating: 4
Usefulness rating: 4
Reason: Although there could be some improvements, it does the job. It is effective and simple to use. It has made getting up SO much more natural and I feel way less ‘foggy’ once I have.
What it does: To be honest, I am not too sure on the ‘science’ behind the app but what I do know is that it wakes you up when you are in lighter sleep pattern, making it easier to wake up more refreshed.
When to use it: Just as you are going to sleep. Pop it on your nightstand and let it do it's thing!
User-friendly rating: 5
Usefulness rating: 5
Reason: I love how I can feel physically and mentally different after using this app. Placebo or not, I cannot question the results.
What it does: Subliminal helps you programme your subconscious mind. It enables you to prime your mind for the changes you are trying to make from weightloss to wealth and everything in between.
When to use it: I love falling asleep to this app. Mainly because I know this is a prime time to be priming my mind, but also because the sounds are so calming. Bonus points.
Daily Yoga
User-friendly rating: 5
Usefulness rating: 5
Reason: I love yoga, but truth be told, yoga classes are the first thing to go when life gets… ‘busy’. I know, busy is not the best word to use, and I know I could make it a priority, but it just isn’t right now.
But enter the Daily Yoga app, and we have a nice compromise.
I pop it on and tune into a session when it suits me.
What it does: It is a load of yoga classes and programmes on one app, but what is cool about it, and what I think is quite different, is how it delivers its content. For me, it is easier to follow than any other yoga app that I have ever used. For context, I have downloaded and removed a lot!
When To Use It: When it works for you, but I like it in the morning when I wake up, and I can tie it into my morning meditation, all without leaving the house. Win-win for productivity and self-care.
Next Steps
So that's it. The core apps on the first page of my homescreen. The ones that take up the most real estate on my phone but equally give back the most.
What are you core apps? Is it time for a clear out? Let us know over on the Instagram!