Accountability and journaling are such incredible tools on their own but combined; they become a powerful force.
We have been speaking a little bit about accountability over on Instagram, and some of those conversations have been about having an accountability partner, which for some people isn’t possible or it is not something they like the idea of- but they still want to have an element of accountability.
Enter accountability journaling.
Journaling allows you to be there for yourself.
By setting up and scheduling in a recurring journaling reflection process, you are making time for yourself.
Reflection + Inspired action = Growth.
The idea here is that you treat this practice as a meeting with yourself. As you already have the prompts to hand within this post, you do not need to 'think', you just need to 'do', this structure helps you keep yourself accountable.
So with all that said, let’s jump into the prompts.
First of all, we want to tune into your vision.
What are you trying to create? Map out your vision. Write in sentences, bullet points or mind maps. Whatever works for you.
How does this vision look like in terms of quarters? What is your main focus for this current quarter?
How do you feel about your vision/ big goal? What does it mean to you? This does not need to be super profound or sound 'good'. Be honest with yourself; this is you after all.
From there, we need to go into evaluation mode.
What help do you require? This could be in the form of services such as an accountant (no plug intended) a VA, or a new staff member. Or maybe it could look like a new app or system.
Is your current approach or plan working? What do you need to stop, start and continue?
What challenges have you had over the last 90 days, and what have you learned from them?
What wins have you had? Big or small, note them down and feel gratitude for them.
What action or work have you done on your business recently?
Then we want to look at how that then translates into actionable steps.
What is your upcoming main focus/ priority, and how can you make sure you are in the best environment to make it happen? Are there any potential barriers that you can lessen or prevent now?
What action do you feel inspired to take?
What 20% of your action creates 80% of your positive results?
We then want to start setting you up for success and internal motivation as well as looking at any potential challenges that could get in your way.
What inspires you?
What core quotes, statements or power questions can you think of to keep you on track. Aim for 1-5.
Are you aware of any limiting beliefs that are preventing you from achieving your goals? If so, write them down, voicing them takes away their power. Then think of habits that you can adopt to support your new beliefs.
What times do I work best?
What does the perfect working environment look like to me? How can I create that? Think about your senses. Do you work best in a quiet environment or do you prefer music or background noise such as a coffee shop? Do you like a lot of things around you or do you prefer a minimalist set up?
What tasks give you energy?
What steps can you take to ensure you make time for this journaling practice on a regular basis? If you are just starting out, you may want to try weekly or monthly.
Ok, so you may like the idea of this accountability journaling, or maybe a few of the question prompts stand out… but how do you start?
The first thing is to make sure you have the right tools. I know this sounds super basic, but we want to make sure that we lessen the resistance between you and your journaling process as much as possible.
Because, even though journaling is such a valuable tool, it can also be a tricky habit to get into. And you do not want the fact that your book keeps flipping over or your pen is hard to write with to be your main barrier!
The last thing to note is to ensure you make space for your journaling practice. Both physically and digitally.
Here are some ways you can do this:
- Decide on where you are going to journal. It should be a safe space, where you feel comfortable.
- Put a time block in your calendar and set it to repeat. Treat it like any other meeting, do not skip it and get prepared for it. A meeting with yourself is equally as important.
- Use something sensory to mark the start of your process, such as lighting a candle or using some essential oils.
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